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Continue ShoppingIt is essential for campers to have complete camping gear. When planning for your camping trip, having a checklist of the materials that you will bring could help you avoid leaving a critical item. Besides the tent or hammock itself, bringing extra things like paracords could be useful not just for crafting but also for survival situations. Some people might not know, but a simple paracord has several surprising uses.
As defined by Your Dictionary, a paracord is a lightweight, nylon rope, which was initially used in the suspension lines of parachutes. It is merely the short term for "parachute cord" which has a long history, dating back to World War II. One of the primary uses of a paracord is for military purposes. As time passed by, it was utilized for personal and commercial use. The paracord is time-tested when it comes to strength and durability. Apart from being utilized as suspension lines in parachuting expeditions, this material can also be used in attaching equipment to harnesses, securing camouflage nets to trees, and many more.
Most often, people prefer a 550 paracord, which is also known as the Type III paracord. It is four millimetres in diameter and has a kernmantle type of rope. It means that a woven outer sheath protects the inner core. The paracord may be a simple rope, but it has 550 pounds of tensile strength. Commonly, the paracord has seven inner two-ply strands with nylon sheaths composed of 32 woven strands. The following are some terminologies that you have to know if you will use a paracord:
Besides tying your hammocks to trees using paracords, there is more to expect in this durable rope. Here are the exciting ways to use a paracord:
Carry Strap - With the right weaving technique, you can make a carry strap with paracords. You can use it to make your gear secure, whether you use it around your neck or as a wrist wrap.
Crafting - If you are fond of crafting or creating artistic pieces, then you may find a paracord useful. You can make a necklace, bracelet, or even a ring by weaving paracords. Aside from crafting accessories, you can also create a key chain and a belt. For significant projects, paracords can also be beneficial when making DIY hammocks and steering wheel covers.
Drip Lines - One of the most important uses of a paracord when camping is to create drip lines. If you are using a hammock, it is essential to keep it dry. Using paracords, try to make the drip lines that you can attach in the straps. It will prevent the water from seeping into your hammock.
Fishing Line - You can make an improvised fishing line if you forgot to bring one in your campground. To create a fishing line, you have to tear the paracord apart to make single-braided strands. Try to make it work as a rudimentary line.
Fishing Net - If a fishing line doesn't work for you, then you can try making a fishing net out of paracords. To do it, tear the paracord to make individual strands. Weave the paracord together and make a fishing net.
Gear Sling - Carrying essential gears could be a hassle, especially when climbing. You can organize them using a paracord. It is vital to take note that paracords are not recommended as climbing ropes. Although these items are durable, paracords are not strong enough to support your weight.
Injuries - There might be accidents in your camping sites that's why a paracord is a must-have for campers. This durable rope can be used if someone has an injury. You can make an arm sling using paracords. It is also essential when securing a splint.
Ridge Lines - If you are into hammock camping, using paracords is an effective way of making ridgelines for your tarp shelters. Tie each end of the rope onto adjacent trees. You can also use it as a clothesline where you can use for drying wet clothes.
Shoelaces - Besides fashionable bracelets, you can also use paracord as shoelaces. Since it comes in a variety of colours, you can weave paracords of different hues to suit the colour of your shoes. You can even have a mix and match to create different styles. Once you run out of ropes when camping, you can undo the shoelaces and use them in creating knots and ties.
Survival Bracelet - Aside from crafting a stylish bracelet to be used as an accessory, you can make a survival type of paracord bracelet. You can wear it every time you will have an outdoor trip such as camping or hiking. It can be a stylish accessory at first, but you can undo it for emergencies.
Although some people may find a paracord as a simple accessory, it is crucial to know its significant purposes. It can be used in many ways, from your everyday needs to your camping trips. Understanding the different techniques of tying and weaving paracords is vital since it is beneficial in times of emergencies.